نام: محسن
نام خانوادگی: عادل
9. Translation Exploration of Comparative Mythology, the Japanese and Persian, Sociocultural Implications (Implications)
Conspicuously, the ancient narration of human civilization greatly recounts upon views and attitudes throughout the global perspectives. This history has, to a great extent, brought forth an amazing sense of ultimate bonding of nations and strengthened the emblematic potential for the proximity beyond geographical borders. The epic literature performs as an integral constituent in elucidating cultural identities, maintaining the national integrity, and sustaining social values internationally. The breathing essence of the epic mythology within both the ancient Japanese manuscripts, the Kojiki or Records of Ancient Matters and the Shahnameh (tales of kings) by Hakim Abul-Qasim Ferdowsi outstandingly illuminates the challenging road toward the collaborative endeavor by provoking the message of virtue versus villainy.
Mohsen Adel
Total words of ST&TT:
Critical commentary on translation research:
Total words from 7 books:
84,630 words
Total words over 9 books:
Words 136,396
All the books mentioned above have not been sent in book markets until holding a multidisciplinary conference on the Japanese and Persian epic literature, translation as well as visual arts gallery and translation in honor of Dr. Emiko Okada’s outstanding and unique masterpiece. The following poster has been designed for it:
Review activity for:
Cognitive systems research Journal
Signal processing Journal
Papers published:
ɺ. Translation Transcending Cross-Linguistic, Intertextuality, and Beyond Equivalences:
Figurative Mind
Mohsen Adel1*, Mina Mohammadi2
Journal of English Language Research, Volume 1, Number 1, November 2020, (pp. 33-48)
Ⅱ. Translation Strategy and Whole Language Approach to Teaching IELTS, Reading and
Writing Skills in COVID-19 Quarantine via the Internet: Challenges and Implications
Mohsen Adel 1*, Mina Mohammadi 2
Journal of English Language Research, Volume 2, Number 1, June 2021, (pp. 137-151)
Papers Under Reviewing:
Ⅲ. Interpreting and Whole Language, Integrated Designs of Teaching Approaches to
listening/Speaking Skills (IELTS) in COVID-19 Quarantine via the Internet
Ⅳ. Translation Emanation from Teaching Law Contextual Correlations
in Inter Legal Procedures
Ⅴ. Translating Epic Poetry, Initial Emergence of Myths in the Shahnameh,
through Imagery Infusion of Figured Painting-Layout Arts and
Linguistic Embodiment